New SPL Features in PHP 5.3
Matthew Turland
Senior Engineer - Synacor, Inc.
And I Work For...
- Provides internet solutions to ISPs, media companies, and advertisers
- International company with offices in Buffalo and New York City
- Clientele includes most of the top 20 cable providers in the United States
- Great company - join us!
And You?
- Used SPL before?
- Using PHP 5.3?
- Computer science background?
- Knowledge of data structures?
State of SPL Pre-5.3
- Classes:
, SplFileInfo
, SplSubject
- Iterators:
, FilterIterator
, LimitIterator
- Interfaces:
, Countable
, Iterator
, IteratorAggregate
- Functions:
, iterator_to_array()
, spl_object_hash()
"A container is a class, a data structure, or
an abstract data type whose instances are collections of other objects. They
are used to store objects in an organized way following specific access
Container (data structure) - Wikipedia
Why Containers?
We already have arrays and strings!
Two Excellent Reasons
Versus traditional arrays, there's potential for:
- Less CPU usage
- Less memory usage
Arrays Are (Not Always) Great
- Flexible general purpose container
- Underlying hash table algorithm is not always ideal for the task at hand
Warning: Benchmarks Ahead
- Lies, Outrageous Lies, and Benchmarks
- PHP 5.3.4 compiled on Ubuntu 10.10
- Intel Core2Duo 1.83GHz, 4 GB DDR2 RAM
- Performance results shown in executions/second instead of time/execution for better visualization
- Code and results
SplFixedArray - What
- Like an array, but with a fixed maximum element count
- Only allows integers >= 0 for keys
- Can be resized, but at a cost
- Not compatible with array functions
SplFixedArray - When
It's best to use this when:
- You know in advance how many elements you want to store (ex: when using the
- You only need to access elements in sequential order
SplFixedArray - Code
SplFixedArray - Executions/Second
SplDoublyLinkedList - What
- Mainly intended as a parent class
- Same unlimited size as arrays without the associated hash map algorithm
- Less performance, but more memory efficiency
- Element insertion only allowed at list start or end (feature request)
SplDoublyLinkedList - When
It's best to use this when:
- You do not know in advance how many elements you want to store
- You only need to access elements in sequential order
- You are more concerned with memory usage than runtime
- You are dealing with a fairly large number of elements
SplDoublyLinkedList - Code
SplDoublyLinkedList - Executions/Second
SplDoublyLinkedList - Memory
SplStack - What
- 2 operations
- Push: adds an item to the stack -
for both array
and SplStack
- Pop: removes an item from the stack -
vs Splstack::pop()
- Last In, First Out (LIFO)
- The last item pushed onto the top of the stack is
the first item that will be popped off of the top of
the stack
SplStack - When
It's best to use this when:
- You do not know in advance how many elements you want to store
- You only ever need to access the last remaining element that was stored
- You are more concerned with memory usage than runtime
SplStack - Code (Array)
SplStack - Code (SplStack)
SplStack - Executions/Second
SplQueue - What
- 2 operations
- Enqueue: adds an item to the queue -
for both array
and SplQueue
- Dequeue: removes an item from the queue -
vs SplQueue::dequeue()
- First In, First Out (FIFO)
- The first item added to the end of the queue is the first item
removed from the front of the queue
SplQueue - When
It's best to use this when:
- You do not know in advance how many elements you want to store
- You only ever need to access the remaining element that was stored earliest
SplQueue - Code (Array)
SplQueue - Code (SplQueue)
SplQueue - Executions/Second
SplHeap - What
- 2 operations
- Insert:
+ sort()
vs SplHeap::insert()
- Remove:
vs SplHeap::extract()
- Internally reorders items based on comparison
can be overridden in subclasses
- Native subclasses include
and SplMaxHeap
- Better worst-case performance than arrays (heap sort versus quick sort)
SplHeap - When
It's best to use this when:
- You do not know in advance how many elements you want to store
- You need to access elements in an order based on value comparison
SplMinHeap - Code (Array)
SplMinHeap - Code (SplMinHeap)
SplMinHeap - Executions/Second
SplPriorityQueue - What
- Accepts a priority with the element value
- Elements are ordered internally by priority and removed in priority order
- Priority values may be of any comparable type
can be overridden in subclasses
- Operates similarly to a heap
- In fact, a heap is used internally for storage
SplPriorityQueue - When
It's best to use this when:
- You do not know in advance how many elements you want to store
- You need to access elements in an order based on priority comparison
rather than value comparison
SplPriorityQueue - Code (Array)
SplPriorityQueue - Code (SplPriorityQueue)
SplPriorityQueue - Executions/Second
SplPriorityQueue - Memory
SplObjectStorage - What
- Combination of two data structures:
- Composite hash map: a hash map with objects for
keys; the
function must be used for arrays to have
this capability
- Set: focuses on a group of values rather than
individual values; has operations like union, intersection,
difference, and element_of; has no concept of order
- Support for the intersection operation in the form of
was not added until PHP 5.3.6
SplObjectStorage - When
It's best to use this when:
- You need to store data using composite (i.e. non-scalar keys)
- You need the ability to access data using set operations rather than
operations based on order of elements
SplObjectStorage - Code (Array)
SplObjectStorage - Code (SplObjectStorage)
SplObjectStorage - Executions/Second
SplObjectStorage - Memory
Thank This Guy
Etienne Kneuss did a lot of the work on the new SPL features in PHP 5.3
Possible Future SPL Features
- Graphs
- Contain nodes and edges connecting them
- Directional / non-directional
- Cyclic / acyclic
- Connected / unconnected
- Edge costs
- Trees
- Acyclic unidirectional graph
- Hierarchical in nature