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OpenAPI: More Than Documentation


  • My name is Matt
  • It's nice to see you
  • Thank you for coming

Forrest Gump waving

There Will Be Slides



Michael Scott in The Office repeatedly saying 'PowerPoint.'

Go Ahead, Hashtag It

  • Feel free to live-tweet/toot!
  • Hashtag: #tek2023
  • Feel free to @ me
  • Deadpool instructing Negasonic Teenage Warhead to finish typing a tweet into her phone

On a Unrelated Note

The book cover for 'Web Scraping with PHP, 2nd Edition'


Setting Expectations

  • Goal: learn about OpenAPI and related possibilities
  • Part (opinionated) prescriptive, part speculative

From the film The Big Lebowski, The Dude saying, 'Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.'


"OpenAPI... previously known as... Swagger... is a specification for a machine-readable interface definition language for describing, producing, consuming and visualizing web services." Wikipedia

History of OpenAPI

  • 2010 - Wordnik begins development of Swagger
  • 2015 - SmartBear Software acquires Swagger and creates the OpenAPI Initiative
  • 2016 - Swagger is renamed to the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) and moved to GitHub
  • 2017 - OpenAPI Initiative releases OpenAPI 3.0.0
  • 2021 - OpenAPI Initiative releases OpenAPI 3.1.0 with JSON Schema vocabularies alignment and new elements for describing webhooks

OpenAPI Specifications

  • Specifications are formatted as YAML or JSON.
  • They include information on:
    • server environments
    • security schemes
    • endpoints
    • supported endpoint operations
    • endpoint request parameters and payloads
    • endpoint responses codes and payloads

Writing a Specification

  • Specs can get large quickly and become unwieldy in a text editor or IDE.
  • For nontrivial changes, use an OpenAPI spec editor.

Writing a Specification

Stoplight OpenAPI spec editor
Stoplight OpenAPI spec editor (commercial)

Writing a Specification

OpenAPI-GUI OpenAPI spec editor
OpenAPI-GUI OpenAPI spec editor (open source)

(Avoiding) Writing a Specification

Creating OpenAPI from HTTP Traffic

Akita is an observability tool, which can sniff HTTP traffic, and build models of your data.

Stores traffic data in HAR files, which it can then convert to an OpenAPI spec.

Validating a Specification

  • Use validators in text editors/IDEs, version control repository hooks, CI/CD builds, etc.
  • Keep validator configuration in version control.

Validating a Specification


npm install @stoplight/spectral-cli

echo 'extends: ["spectral:oas"]' > .spectral.yaml

spectral lint spec.json

Validating a Specification


composer require cebe/php-openapi

vendor/bin/php-openapi validate spec.json

Versioning a Specification

Treat the spec as a shippable asset, meaning...

  • Keep the spec in its own version control repository (e.g. git).
  • Use pull requests to review spec changes.
  • Update the info.version spec attribute as the version changes.
  • Maintain a version control tag for each version.
  • Use semantic versioning.

Versioning a Specification

Stoplight OpenAPI code editor highlighting the info.version attribute
Stoplight OpenAPI code editor highlighting the info.version attribute

API Documentation

Swagger UI Petstore Example
Swagger UI Petstore Example

API Documentation

ReDoc Petstore Example
ReDoc Petstore Example

API Documentation


API Documentation

  • Postman has a library to convert from OpenAPI to a Postman collection.
  • Keep Postman-specific elements (e.g. automated tests) in separate files and integrate them into the generated Postman collection at build time.
  • This build stage can also be used to work around bugs like this one where possible.
  • Side note: I've also had a relatively positive experience reporting bugs in Postman itself.


PostgREST is a standalone web server that turns your PostgreSQL database directly into a RESTful API. The structural constraints and permissions in the database determine the API endpoints and operations. "A poor man's API"
by Nicolas Fränkel


PostgREST automatically serves a full OpenAPI description on the root path. This provides a list of all endpoints (tables, foreign tables, views, functions), along with supported HTTP verbs and example payloads. PostgREST documentation

Mock Servers

Integrate frontends with an API before it's built.

Request/Response Validation

Automated Test Generation

"Schemathesis is a specification-centric API testing tool for OpenAPI... applications. It reads the application schema and generates test cases... The application under test could be written in any language; the only thing you need is a valid API schema..."

Automated Test Generation

st run https://example.schemathesis.io/openapi.json

Supports Docker if you prefer to avoid
Python environments

Automated Test Generation

"Portman leverages your static OpenAPI specs, with all its defined API request/response properties, to power your Postman collection and test suite."

Automated Test Generation

npm add --save-dev @apideck/portman@latest
portman \
    -u https://specs.apideck.com/crm.yml \
    -c portman-config.crm.json \
    -o crm.postman.json

Test Data Generation


use Vural\OpenAPIFaker\OpenAPIFaker;

$faker = OpenAPIFaker::createFromJson($yourSchemaAsJson);
// or
$faker = OpenAPIFaker::createFromYaml($yourSchemaAsYaml);

$fakeData = $faker->mockResponse('/todos', 'GET');

Uses fakerphp/faker to generate fake data for OpenAPI requests / responses.

Automated Contract Testing


Checks for API implementation drift from spec in Laravel test suites.

composer require hotmeteor/spectator --dev

php artisan vendor:publish \

Automated Contract Testing

class ExampleTest extends TestCase {
    public function testBasicExample() {
        $response = $this->postJson('/user', ['name' => 'Sally']);

Infrastructure Configuration

  • Routing configuration, e.g. using an API Gateway like AWS API Gateway, Kong, etc.
  • Monitoring for un/expected endpoint responses, e.g. in AWS CloudWatch

Client Libraries


composer require --dev jane-php/open-api-3
composer require jane-php/open-api-runtime
php vendor/bin/jane-openapi generate

$apiClient = Vendor\Library\Generated\Client::create();
$foos = $apiClient->listFoo();

Change Detection

Optic (commercial)

  • Automatic breaking change detection and consistent naming conventions standards
  • API statistics such as changes over time and breaking changes introduced

CI/CD Pipelines

Other Resources

That's All, Folks

Outro for Looney Tunes with Porky Pig saying, 'That's all, folks.'